Friday, December 9, 2011

Itty-Bitty Emails

If you're anything like me, your kid's baby books are updated right up until about 4 months old. And I'm sure you are. After all, it's totally acceptable for me to put together a scrap book at my desk, but do I do it? No. So I stole an idea from some technology commercial, and started an email account for each of them. I sit at my desk all day long emailing clients and updating facebook, and now when I'm missing my little ones I can email them. I can keep them up to date about what they like to do right now. (Not sharing, and running around with their pants down. Basic boy stuff) So when they have kids of their own and are pulling their hair out and drinking 8 cups of coffee a day, you can give them the password. Maybe they'll read it and realize that it's all worth it.

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